Keeping the Health Centre running is an enormous task. The monthly wage bill alone is in excess of £2,000. We are therefore very grateful to the many Sponsors that make this possible. Here are some of the things you could support:
- Midwife: £80pm
- Electricity: £50pm
- Nurse: £30pm
- Pathology lab technician: £20pm
- Maintaining the new generator: £20pm
- Food programme for undernourished: £10pm
- Iron tablets for anaemia: £10pm
There are several ways you can help us keep the Health Centre running or contribute to ongoing projects:
1. Monthly Sponsorship
Membership of the Association is open to anyone for a small monthly subscription. Monthly Sponsorship is our preferred way of giving. It allows us to better plan for the monthly needs of the Health Centre and achieve our Strategy. Please download and complete this Standing Order Form.
2. Gift in your Will
You may wish to leave us a gift or legacy in you will. This is best done through your solicitor and/or executor, though may be one of the following:
- Residuary legacy
A residuary legacy is a share, or sometimes all, of an estate after all the other payments have been made. One of the advantages of a residuary legacy is that it will not lose value over time and if you leave a proportion to us you can still ensure other beneficiaries are provided for first.
- Pecuniary legacy
A pecuniary legacy is a fixed sum of money. To prevent its real value decreasing over time this gift can be linked with inflation.
- Specific legacy
A specific legacy is a gift of a particular item, such as property, antiques, jewellery and shares. Once you’ve decided how you’d like to support us, please refer to your solicitor for the specific wording to include, or you may wish to take advantage of Free Wills Month. Whatever wording you use please ensure any legacy to us includes our full name, “Ardingly Old Jeshwang Association” and “Registered Charity Number 1024627” as this will avoid any doubt about our identity.
3. Single donation
There are two ways you are make a one-off donation:
Credit Card or PayPal
Please use the Charities Aid Foundation website where you can donate via all major credit cards or your PayPal account.
Cheque by Post
Please make your cheque payable to “Ardingly Old Jeshwang Association” and send it to The Treasurer at the address at the foot of this page. Also, please enclose the Gift Aid form if you are eligible for UK Income Tax.
4. Donate your time
You may feel you have various skills that would be useful. Doctors, midwives, nurses and administrators have all spent a period in the Centre and contributed their skill. Even a spot of redecoration is welcome! If you feel you have something to give please contact us.