An important part of our programme has been the involvement of young people from the U.K. We have close links with the Brighton and Sussex Medical School and, though them, students studying for the MSc in Global Health often choose to spend their ‘electives’ at the Health Centre and to contribute to research projects.
In the past, students have successfully carried out healthcare research projects for the Association and The Gambia’s Department of Health. Trainee Midwives have also spent periods at the Health Centre as part of their course.
Medical elective placements are available to students throughout the U.K. and are run in conjunction with the Medical Research Council. Such placements have of course been restricted as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic but it is hoped that it might be possible to reinstate these in the near future.
If you are a medical student and wish to explore the possibility of spending time at the Health Centre as part of your elective, please contact us.